Paramedical Tattooing
Experience the transformative power of paramedical tattooing, also known as reconstructive tattooing. Some wear their scars proudly after overcoming challenges. For others, scars and stretch marks can cause insecurity or even be reminders of traumatic events. With specialized inks and techniques, Skin & Shades can effectively disguise scars, stretch marks, and other skin conditions. Skin & Shades is able to replace lost pigment, conceal skin irregularities, and even recreate certain anatomical parts, such as areolas and belly buttons. Discover a new level of confidence with our paramedical tattooing services.
Cost-effective: These treatments are more affordable compared to surgical options. Costs vary depending on service type, size of treatment area and complexity of the case.
To learn if it is right for you book a consultation.
Scar & Stretch Mark Camouflage
Imagine you could color over those scars and stretch marks and that they blend into the surrounding skin. It’s possible! That’s what the art of camouflage tattooing does. Also known as “Brazilian Stretch Mark Camouflage,” this non-medical procedure involves the use of special ink formulas and precise shading techniques to essentially re-pigment stretch marks, scars and certain skin discolorations to match a person’s natural skin color. Although the stretch marks and scars will not be gone, the tattoo procedure creates the illusion that they have been removed by camouflaging them with skin color pigments. Many see results after 1 treatment; however, it may require an additional treatment to obtain the desired results. Camouflage can be combined with Inkless Scar/Stretch Mark Revision to address both the texture (stretch mark ridges and raised scars) and color.
Cost: starts at $530.
Service Includes: color matching, tattoo procedure, aftercare package and a follow-up touch-up.
Inkless Scar and Stretch Mark Revision
If you’re looking for a more natural option, enter Inkless Scar/Stretch Mark Revision (ISR). Although ISR it is called “inkless,” Skin & Shades adds a small amount of ink in adherence to local regulations. The main difference is that ISR encourages the body to repair itself, while camouflage tattooing focuses on depositing pigment. With this method, the tattoo needles cause controlled trauma (similar to microneedling), breaking down the scar tissue and encouraging the body to send blood to the area and to produce collagen, melanin and nutrients. This technique involves using natural oils and vitamins that stimulate the production of collagen and help the skin heal. The result is an emergence of natural skin color and rejuvenated skin texture. Because everyone heals differently, it may take 1 and up to 3 sessions to achieve desired results. ISR can be coupled with camouflage tattooing to achieve further improvements.
Cost: starts at $730.
Service Includes: customized treatment plan and aftercare package.
Dark Scar Camouflage
Skin & Shades can “neutralize” or lighten dark scars with camouflage tattoo techniques designed for dark scar treatment and with specialized knowledge of color theory to pick and mix the appropriate colors. Hyperpigmented scars develop when a portion of the skin darkens compared to its surroundings, due to an overproduction of melanin. Melanin, a group of natural pigments, determines our skin tone, with higher melanin levels resulting in darker skin. There are various reasons why scars turn dark, including exposure to sunlight during the healing process, inflammation, poor healing or genetics. Many clients see results after 1 treatment, while others may need additional sessions.
Cost: starts at $530.
Service Includes: color matching and mixing, a customized treatment plan and aftercare package.
3D Areola Restoration
Most clients who seek this service do so after breast reconstruction surgery, particularly breast cancer survivors. This service typically follows a unilateral or bilateral mastectomy and/or breast reduction/augmentation. For cancer survivors, areola tattoos signify the final step of a traumatic journey, and it has the power to help individuals feel whole again.
Individuals may also seek areola restoration because their areolas may have been damaged during surgery or in injury. This includes clients who have undergone top-half gender affirmation surgery. Some clients may simply desire an improved appearance.
Skin & Shades can correct or create an areola that looks three-dimensional and is indistinguishable from a natural one. Usually, it only takes 1 session with a touch-up. Additional sessions may be needed depending on the case.
(Many clients opt to do both areola tattoos and scar camouflage or revision to address all discolorations of the breast.)
Cost: starts at $530 for 1 and $830 for 2.
Service Includes: color selection, a customized treatment plan and aftercare package.
Payments Accepted
Cash, debit or credit
Paypal, Apple Pay or Zelle
Payment Plans available through Cherry, Afterpay, Klarna and Affirm
Insurance may cover some procedures

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